Just When You Don't Think Your Strong

You Are Stronger Than You Think: The Power of Adjusting Your Thoughts

Ladies, gather 'round, because today we’re diving into a game-changer for your emotional well-being and life journey. The mantra, "You are stronger than you think,"...

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Boundaries 101; Protecting your Time, Energy and Relationships

Boundaries: Your Secret Weapon of Self-Respect

Hello, fabulous readers! Today, we're diving into a topic that’s as essential as your morning coffee—boundaries. Yep, those magical lines we draw that say, “This is my space,...

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When You're Ready for Something Other Than a Nice Guy

When You're Ready for Something Other Than a Nice Guy

Today's topic might be a bit of a guilty pleasure for some of us: What to do when you're with a perfectly nice guy... but he's just not your guy.

You've Been Through a Lot

You've healed, grown,...

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How To Heal From The Things No One Ever Apologized For

Hey, lovely readers! Welcome back to The Nichole Banks Blog, your sanctuary for inspiration, healing, and rediscovering your best self after heartbreak. Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that resonates with many of us: healing from the...

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Sweet Dreams, 8 Easy Steps to get a Goodnights Sleep

Ladies, let's get real. How many of us are guilty of tossing and turning at night, checking our phones, or just staring at the ceiling? Yeah, I'm raising my hand too. Did you know that over 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders? And...

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Overcoming the Initial Shock and Pain of Divorce

Overcoming the Initial Shock and Pain of Divorce

Hey there, beautiful! It’s Nichole Banks here, and today we’re diving into a topic that can feel like a punch to the gut: overcoming the initial shock and pain of divorce. If you're...

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Boundaries: 5 Steps to The Ultimate Self-Respect Power Move

Boundaries: 5 Steps to The Ultimate Self-Respect Power Move

Ladies, let's talk boundaries. No, not the kind that keep your neighbor's unruly hedge from invading your perfectly manicured lawn (although, bless those boundaries too). I'm talking...

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Rebuilding Your Identity; How to After Divorce

Rebuilding Your Identity; How to After Divorce

Hey there, fabulous ladies!

Let me start by sharing a bit of my journey. I've been through the "D" word not once, but twice. The first time, it was my decision. I knew I needed to move on for my own...

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Mango Berry Pineapple Salsa: Your Ultimate Summer Snack

Mango Berry Pineapple Salsa: Your Ultimate Summer Snack

Hello, beautiful!

Summer is the season for bright colors, fresh flavors, and deliciously light snacks that you can enjoy in the sunshine. Today, I’m bringing you a tropical twist on the...

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When to Pivot in Life and Business: My Guide to Embracing Change

Title: When to Pivot in Life and Business: My Guide to Embracing Change

Hey there! Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a rut, going through the motions without much excitement or direction? Trust me, I've been there. But let me tell you,...

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