Boundaries 101; Protecting your Time, Energy and Relationships

Boundaries: Your Secret Weapon of Self-Respect

Hello, fabulous readers! Today, we're diving into a topic that’s as essential as your morning coffee—boundaries. Yep, those magical lines we draw that say, “This is my space,...

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Avoidance may provide temporary relief, how to become pain free.

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, and we all encounter obstacles and difficulties along the way. It is only human to sometimes wish these challenges away, hoping they will magically disappear on their own. However, the truth is, we...

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3 Unexpected Places You're Wasting Your Energy

3 Unexpected Places You're Wasting Your Energy


Are you feeling worn down and exhausted? It could be that your energy is being wasted in places you don’t even realize. Whether it’s the way you approach tasks, your daily habits,...

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How to Find Purpose in Midlife: Tips for Those Over 40

How to Find Purpose in Midlife: Tips for Those Over 40


Are you feeling stuck in life and uncertain of your purpose? If you're over 40, you are not alone. Many people in midlife find themselves searching for meaning and a sense of purpose....

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