When You're Ready for Something Other Than a Nice Guy

When You're Ready for Something Other Than a Nice Guy

Today's topic might be a bit of a guilty pleasure for some of us: What to do when you're with a perfectly nice guy... but he's just not your guy.

You've Been Through a Lot

You've healed, grown,...

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Sweet Dreams, 8 Easy Steps to get a Goodnights Sleep

Ladies, let's get real. How many of us are guilty of tossing and turning at night, checking our phones, or just staring at the ceiling? Yeah, I'm raising my hand too. Did you know that over 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders? And...

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Focus on Your Results, Not Your Failures

Title: Transform Your Mindset: Focus on Your Results, Not Your Failures

Are you tired of feeling stuck and bogged down by setbacks? Do you find yourself dwelling on failures rather than celebrating your successes? If so, you're not alone. Many of...

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