Comparison- Do you do it too?

thebanksblog Jun 21, 2020

June 14, 2020


Comparison- Do you do it too?


Oh yeah, it's really easy to do that comparison thing… How they look in their jeans while we’re still in our stretch workout pants and oversized hoodie. Hair in a bun and not one stitch of makeup on … Okay maybe you have some mascara on, but it’s not fresh It's from the night before because you still haven’t mastered the night routine yet! 


Or the nice car they drive while we’re still trying to pay off our 2008 suv? 


How easy it is to get caught up in it… You’ve heard me say this before, but last year I ran my first triathlon. I was like, “hell no!” in my head comparing everyone in the field. You see, this body was 35 pounds overweight, and not in any condition to run like a champ, or come in any place on the pedestal. All the while the athletic bodies were lean machines, they had all the expensive equipment, and they knew each other! They were a family and competitors. They’ve done this before and again and again… why was I here I said to myself? Over and over and over again. 


How about professionally when you're trying to build your business when others have been doing it for years and they are rocking it and have a team, and a  brick and mortar place to really call an office while you're still working from your home office on your off hours from working your monday through friday 9-5 grind? Yep side hustle… 


Yeah that… comparison, do you do it too?


When we fall into the comparison mindset, we really fall into a very unhealthy life and we start with our own self esteem and or there the lack of our self confidence etc. 

How we view ourselves is really why we start comparing ourselves in the first place. So why do we do it? 


  • Could it be a lack of self confidence in our own ability to gain the material things we see others possess? 
  • Could it be the lack of education. Not knowing how to get what others have?  
  • Could it be a lack of being satisfied with our own selves that we need to consistently be about trying to be like someone else? 


My Accountability Partner Podcast is found on iTunes and Spotify

Life becomes about being a better version of yourself. When that happens, your effort and energy go toward upgrading your personal operating system every day, not worrying about what your coworkers are doing. You become happier, free from the shackles of false comparisons and focused on the present moment.

  • Comparing yourself to others is a recipe for unhappiness.
  • There is one thing that you’re better at than other people: being you. This is the only game you can really win.
  • Compare yourself to who you were yesterday.
  • How are you growing? 
  • Do you take the time to really know who you are and what you’re about? 
  • What do you like and why? A lot of the time when we compare or pretend to be like someone else we do as that person does and we eat, drink, dress and act like them that we’ve lost our own true identity. 


Take an online business for example, (let’s compare mine for example.) I’m just new to podcasts and blogging and getting my message out. Women I admire have been doing it for years such as Mel Robbins, Oprah Winfrey and Chalene Johnson. But if I did everything like Mel or Oprah or even Chalene do you really think my followers would be like, “hey copycat!” 

So why would they follow me or listen to anything I have to say when they can hear and get it from the top? I sometimes feel like I’ve cheated my followers out of something. But all 3 of these ladies have their own style and message and the way they present it to the world. All 3 of them have a genuine following of people who know that they are devoted to getting their message out in the most authentic way they know how. And so do I!


Ending the incessant comparisons, yourself to others, isn’t easy! But it can be done! And you will feel healthier when you do! Here are some great tips to help you along the way! 


  1. Water your own grass. 
  2. Accept where you are.
  3. Your superpower is being YOU, everyone else is already taken
  4. Do a social media detox
  5. Know that this isn't the end of the movie. 
  6. Be grateful for what you have. 
  7. Decide not to let fear guide your choices. 
  8. Realize that you're not perfect.


The most important things in life are measured internally. Thinking about what matters to you is hard. Playing to someone else’s scoreboard is easy, that’s why a lot of people do it. But winning the wrong game is pointless and empty. You get one life. Play your own game.




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