28. Rude Behavior, how to deal with it!

Today's show is a repeat but such a good one enjoy!

Nichole Banks talks about how rude behavior isn't just this time of year. How to overcome it and well what if it's coming from YOU? Join her today and don't forget you're going to want to listen to the Friday Follow up show on this one!

Tips are giving on how to deal with rude behavior:

1) Don't take it personally, we didn't cause them to behave this way so remember that.

2) This one can be hard to do but don't over react to it! I know right... when that old lady flipped me the bird I wanted to flip it right back, oye I was mad.

3) Have you ever heard the term killing it with kindness... yeah that's right be positive and kind.

4) You can use humor, if you find it to be the right time. remember humor can come off as snide so tread lightly

5) Call the person out on it. not with embarrassment but with kindness..your adult-ing here so use your best judgement but call them out.

6) Avoid that person...not engage with them period.

Nichole Banks is an Accountability Coach and shares her stories and lessons weekly. Let's get to know each other and have some fun.

To chat with Nichole (with an H in her name) drop her a line here:

Website: www.nicholebanks.com

Follow Nichole Banks on her Social Links;

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Holding people accountable is love. when I'm holding YOU accountable, I'm saying, "You're capable of a bigger Game"

Thanks for joining me, enjoy your week, I'm your host Nichole Banks until Friday~




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